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Gym Classes

Our works for directed classes has the of MIX 32. That is a kind of technique for choreograpies. That is for preserve music in 32 beat blocks, drums, or hit... The songs sometimes have groups of 8.4 to 2 beats to make a change, for example, enter the melody, a base or a stop, which can be "out of position" a choreography based on 32 blocks 32 movements. What is sought in this type of mix is to cancel these "loss rate". Songs eliminating those extra bits are reissued. Normally the court is cloaked but in some specific topics (mostly sung or very melodic) cutting produces a "mild cacophony" with what it is not very pleasant to listen. For the composition of the song at the end of each block of 32 is usually a change or sound, or input / output melody, beat, silence, etc. .. so that it becomes easier to detect blocks of 32 .

W hen mixing the beginning of the first block of 32 of the new song with the end of block 32 of the song playing squares. (as shown in the figure) so that the mix is NON STOP without loss of sequences as would happen in a conventional mix of disco session.

This type of mix is ideal for aerobics classes STEP and choreographed from start to finish.


If you have old cassette tapes or songs heard bad audio with background noise or you want to master a theme from Stereo to Dolby 5.1 or DTS digital quality, so just contact us and tell us your need. We work as unique as a storm with surround sound or a jungle with all kinds of animals and insects from all speakers sounding and perfect digital sound processed for high quality brands such as Dolby Digital, DTS, SDDS sound that perfectly either HI-FI home computer and large theaters or venues.


Themes or compose songs of all kinds (House, Dance, Trance, Rock, Classic, Soundtracks ...) and all genres. Have one of the strongest production studies of Spain. Our music equipment are unique in the country and the world, only few studies of both Hardware like us. We have legendary synthesizers brands such as Korg, Waldorf, Moog, Yamaha, Roland.


S If you are creating a choreography and you lack synchronize music with your movements, cutting the songs. mix, others introduce special effects and sync with time, we are YOUR SOLUTION!. We have done work of all kinds, from soundtracks for presentations to music shows, dance, dance competitions, water aerobics classes, synchronized swimming and endless projects. Contact us and let us know your project, we will give way for you may seem crazy. Try Us!.