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  • Step Class

    Downloadable demo of a session of a class of linear BPM STEP without breaks and square to Master 32 Special for choreography. Click the button to download to your computer.
  • Aerobic Class

    Downloadable demo of a session of a class of linear BPM Aerobic without breaks and square to Master 32 Special for choreography. BPM is high rhythm. Click the button to download to your computer.
  • Spinning Class

    Downloadable demo for a class of Spinning class, With varied music, and rhythm speed changes for simulating hills or sprints. Click the button to download to your computer.
  • Aerobelly Dance Class

    This is a demo of Aerobelly Dance Class with arab roots. Nice for choreography like step classes. Click the button to download to your computer.
  • Demo of Dolby Digital Sound

    Demo of a digital mastered sound with Dolby Digital 5.1. Click the button to download to your computer.
  • Demo of DTS Sound

    Demo of a digital mastered sound with DTS. Click the button to download to your computer.